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4 Graduates!

Graduation is a time for celebration and having 4 graduates in the same year calls for a HUGE party! 2 twin brothers graduated from Virginia Tech and 2 of their cousins graduated from high school. Of course since all of these graduates were in the same family, the whole family had to come together to celebrate. They all came together in Louisa, Va at their grandparent's house. Everyone was waiting for their photo-up when I already but some faded fast as it was a scorcher outside. I did the best I could to get everyone in position as fast as possible but it still felt like we were melting.

We finally made it back inside so I could capture some candid shots and everyone was cooling off with champagne and fresh fruit. I went downstairs where the men were doing all the meat cooking. It was a good time had by all. Congratulations to the Class of 2018! We throw our hats off to you!

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